Subedaar Movie
Subedaar is an upcoming bollywood movie directed by Suresh Triveni. The movie’s star cast includes Anil Kapoor and Radhika Madan in the main lead roles. Subedaar movie is produced by Vikram Malhotra, Anil Kapoor and Suresh Triveni under Abundantia Entertainment. Anil Kapoor in and as Subedaar Filming Begins.
Subedaar Movie Details
Subedaar Movie Director
Subedaar is an upcoming bollywood movie directed by Suresh Triveni.
Subedaar Movie Starcast
The movie’s star cast includes Anil Kapoor and Radhika Madan in the main lead roles.
Subedaar Movie Release Date
Subedaar will be streamed on Amazon Prime Video in 2025.
Release Date